
JustJoostNLLess than 1 minutedocumentation


To begin, let's install the latest version of F1MV-Lights-Integration.


  1. Download the latest version of F1MV-Lights-Integration from the download page.
  2. Run the installer to install the application.
  3. You're all set!


  1. First, install the latest version of AppImageLauncheropen in new window.
  2. Download the latest version of F1MV-Lights-Integration from the download page.
  3. Double-click the AppImage to install the application.
  4. When prompted to integrate the AppImage, select "Integrate and run."
  5. You're all set!


  1. Download the latest version of F1MV-Lights-Integration from the download page.
  2. Open the DMG and drag the application to the Applications folder to install it.
  3. You're all set!

First Steps

After installation, proceed to the first steps to get started.

Last update:
Contributors: Joost